Took a trip into town today in between the rain drops. Reason : to buy a bed for my blossy buddy and her lil 3 year old who are visiting me later this week from Oz (for 3.5 weeks!!). I'm really not very excited at all (MUCH!!!). I'm actually on the precipice of dying a few thousand little deaths at the thought of having girly chats, having continuously flowing English conversations, having an excuse to go and stay on some gorgeous island (away from the MIL!) and indulging in all the things that I don't normally do because she's my excuse to do everything! And I'm sure chocolate is going to be involved in this equation..somehow...
I was feeling a bit risque today so dropped into a hair saloon to cut the locks. I must point out

here that for the last 3 years I have cut my own hair. I have ventured out several times to get a "professional" cut in that time but ALWAYS without fail leave disappointed and/or hideously embarrassed. Solution - DIY! But today I just felt like living on the edge. If you can ignore the freakorama zombie eyes that I'm boggling at you and the fact that you really can't see a thing, you can see my new do! I got wisps....I got long bits at the front....I got short at the back...I actually got what I asked for! I have always wondered how hard it was to describe "long at the front, short at the back" (in Thai)...

seems quite basic, but for some reason on the occasions I entrusted my head to strangers, I would leave with a bowl or a dead straight bob resembling a 12 year old (not a layer in sight!). After a bit of consideration I can truly say that that $3.50 and 20 minutes of my time was well worth not spending 2 hours on trying to cut the back of my own hair with magic mirror action.
8 commentaramas:
Ooohhh it's so exciting getting visitors!! My Mum arrives in a week and a half for the first time since we've been here and I can't wait.....you are going to have a blast with your mate!!
Your hair looks great (It's kinda hard to see it exactly in the photo but what I can see looks lovely). I am also very impressed that your hair cut only took 20 mins.....in Bangkok getting your hair cut means you will be stuck in the hairdressers for days (ok....maybe not days but a good few hours at least!!).
C x
Looks great..
How excited are you little possums!!!I am very jealous that I can come too.
I mean can't..:( a bit of a slip there.
Hi Mel
Your hair looks great - love the wispy bits. Oh I am very excited on your behalf about your friend coming. Last week when I felt homesick I would've loved to have had my best friend or my sister over for a few weeks.
If you get up to BK, give Carol and I a shout!
Love JJx
Thought it was just me who gets terrifying haircuts every time I dare to enter a hair salon! I'm totally a DIY girl all the way
I've gone right off Althea - she hasnt told me she is leaving the country to visit you. I want to come too!!!! You always look gorgeous to me darling. I took one of my work colleagues to the h'dresser yesterday and she had short hair and it cost $35 and took an hour. Love you lots - AJ
C - Thanx, I think you can see one wisp!! How exciting for your mommy and for you! Are you escaping to a beautiful island also? Strange thing about the hair, they blow dried it for 10 minutes when I first got there even though it was already bone dry!
T - I was excited there thinking you let the cat out of the bag and were gonna surprise me by coming too!
jj- unfortunately fortunately we won't be coming to BKK! Would love to meet you guys but I'm not a big fan of BKK (don't know how you do it!)and try to avoid it. My mate is getting a connecting flight straight down here. Have to be next year sometime when I do my yearly pilgrimage!
R - seriously, it's the best way to go to get exactly what you want! I'm very happily surprised I'm not looking like a school girl right now!
AJ- as long as you don't go off me (I'm always insanely jealous when she tells me she's spoken to you!) 35 is pretty average for oz prices, I've paid MUCH more than that there! LYL2
Love the hair. What is it about getting a new do that makes you feel better. Cheaper than therapy!
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