Sunday 21 October 2007

The excitement is overwhelming....

Some old dude is snoring...the rain is pouring...I couldn't get up this's been raining for days on end without end....

...Ate some corn as our backyard has a bumper crop.... ate some bananas as all our trees are loaded..yep life's pretty exciting in the rainy season!

In the 38 seconds that it stopped raining today I went outside to test out my **NEW** camera!!! Noice colours...I'm a happy little vegemite! Fruit bonanza - we have coconut, nanas and papaya in this shot, with chillies, eggplants and crap loads of lemon grass at ground level..

4 commentaramas:

Carol said...

Suddenly I'm feeling a bit peckish....must go and see what's in the fridge.....

C x

Anonymous said...

Love your work - If only my thumb wasn't so brown!
BrisVegas could do with some of your rain too. Send some over!
Tell me all about your new camera... What did you end up getting?

Jenny Beattie said...

Yummy corn and yummy bananas. A new camera? How exciting and the colours do look very exciting.

Mel said...

I'm a bit corned out to tell the truth! Sooo much corn!

I got a Canon A series digi - not quite as fancy as I wanted (no IS) but it's definitely better than my old ancient Kodak and half the size.

jj - how do you have time to look at my blog..shouldn't you be relaxing on some gorgeous tropical island right now drinking cocktails or something?