I learned some interesting truths over the last 2 days in the serene surrounds of the forest. Let me share my new found wisdom with you….
1. Gorgeous Indian women are wildly attracted to slightly overweight, middle aged men with bouffant hair and 70s p0rn style moustaches….
2. Slightly overweight, middle aged Indian men with bouffant hair and 70s p0rn style moustaches love dancing in groups of 50 men, boy band style with lots of slightly offensive hip thrusting that is probably very alluring to gorgeous young Indian women….
3. Indian women have “happy periods” because their pads have wings and don’t leak….
4. It’s possible to understand a group of Indians having a conversation because it’s about 40% English…I honestly never knew they spoke so much English mixed in with their Hindi….it’s like my Thaiglish language that I speak at home! Completely fascinating…
5. Indian women’s bellies are hypnotic…
Warning - p0rn pictures below, avert your eyes if you can't handle the heat!!!
Don't think that I just pulled these sexy photos from just anywhere...no siree, they are all famous bollywood actors or singers and have been voted in the top 100 sexiest men in India. Mr Vijay here in the white was voted No. 2....excuse me, I need some time alone now....