Friday, 19 October 2007

Adventures of electro juice...

Oh the joys of living in a developing country! I might have been a bit hasty when I said all our rave light shows were over! So much for fixing the main board to heal our woes....we had no power all day today and spectacular laser shows last night. Our cuddelicious sparky came to our rescue again but he was not in the flow with his electrical prowess powers and failed to spread the light. First his ladder broke when it was balancing precariously on our very thin, very rusty, very ancient corrugated iron roof. Then it was palissing down with rain so heavy you couldn't see across the street.

Then J and I decided to visit my friend in hospital who just had a bubba 22 hours ago! (really helping my time bomb I know!) and on the way we stopped in at the electricity depo to get some electro aid (cos cuddles was all out of ideas). Check him out attacking the electrical power lines one handed with a stanley knife razor while holding on to the house for dear life! Is this where I swoon at my new Indiana type hero?

What a confusing hullaballoo down at the the electro board. First, they called the service crew to get them to check it out. They happened to be in our area while we were still in town at the office. They call back and say it's not their jurisdiction (the electrical wire that links from the power poll to our house) so they're not going to fix it and promptly left. Then the not so friendly office people are telling us that there is no way we'll be able to get anyone to fix it today being Friday arvi and, what do you know, they don't work Saturday, Sunday. Monday's fully booked and Tuesday's a public holiday!!! They had absolutely no qualms about us having no power for 5 days!!! Friendly bunch... so then they go on to say that the power line wires behind the transformer are our responsibility and the wires inside the transformer are their responsibility and since they checked the inside and found no problem, it is in effect OUR problem. Humfff, grr, grrrr. THEN they said that if we still had the receipt from the original power box that was installed on the powerpoll 20 odd years ago (before they even had computer records!), that we could get a 5000 baht rebate after paying 6000 baht for a new box! Clear as the globules of lard I would like to throw at someone today..sooo in the end, we returned back home thinking we're gonna be powerless for the better part of a week to find Mr. Cuddlepie out front ready to tackle it again...and gosh darn it if he got it up and running 2 hours later with a twisted wire coat hanger or some such thang (without charge I might add!). I'm online. I'm not going to die from loss of internet connection. The world is all warm and fuzzy again...

3 commentaramas:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mel, Here I am again back in the internet land and being able to be in touch with you and Jay. I have to laugh at all your postings life is obviously never dull where you are. While I'm typing away I can hear 2 girls on horses in the back yard - the Alstonville Show next weekend which will be horseless due to the EI. Its been a beautiful day and I will log on again tomorrow and talk to you. Love you lots AJ

Mel said...

Yay for internet connections! Don't be fooled into thinking life's never dull...I only write about the exciting stuff..all the in between is pretty quiet!! Good to hear from you AJ, miss u :-)

Anonymous said...

See I told you I'd do as often as possible. Worked my little butt off today - even took my ma to breakfast in Lismore. What a good little vegie I am. Defrosted the fridge and wonders did the ironing. I hate ironing. Talked to Nic a couple of times and she was busy baking cakes and a fish pie!! such domesticity. Love you darling. Love to J.