Monday, 15 October 2007

I just wanna dance....

No more techno light shows in da house for yo punk ass...(am I mixing up my subcultures here?). After spending the last 2 nights in a strobe light rave in the village, we got the local electro dude in to dull the disco scene (caused by dodgy ancient wiring). Got the house rewired for quite the sum of money...hope you're sitting down for this because this will knock your socks off. To get a new main board, switches, plugs, wiring upstairs and down plus service fee was a huge A$35 (1000 baht)! The dear sweet fellow only wanted us to pay $7 service fee for 2 days work! We are in no way financially abundant but we doubled the figure (yeah generous $14 I know!) because that is just ridiculous. He's such a lovely puddin that I just want to go and squeeze him in all the non-offensive places!

This is our first glance at the current original wiring, shoved neatly into place behind a wooden box and left for 25 years. Then, a boxless view with little name tags for easy recognition. Then...ta dah! Our new mains power board for non-rave party boring old electricity! Works for me!

4 commentaramas:

Carol said...

Your wires looked rather scary!! (Sorry I've not been around much - surrounded by Children and scared cats all wanting attention!!)

C x

Jenny Beattie said...

Oooh, those top pictures look like modern art!

Amy T said...

Indeed, like a scary modern art piece! I do remember the crackling sounds the transformers made and the semi-regular power outages.

Mel said...

C -I've missed u! Completely understand the having a life biz though :-)

Hmm another idea of how to make money... "Art in Everyday Life"!!