Thursday, 11 October 2007

Remembering lost ones....

Today is a super special monk day (Wan Sart Thai) being the new moon of the tenth calendar month. It's a bit of a double whammy with Thais celebrating the beginning of the planting season and also praying for dead relatives. Offerings of food, flowers, incense sticks and water are taken to the temple. Our local temple was a hubub of activity this morning with lots of markets selling fried chicken, boiled nuts, sticky rice in bamboo, noodles, drinks, fruit, clothes and games for kids. These ladies were going manic over this clothes table...must have been a sale on!

This was our offering (with pink food tower in the background filled with curry, rice, etc) looking all flat and boring until.... makeover shapeover... turns into this -- all the food is placed in the centre and wrapped up in this sweet, papery edible stuff to resemble little pagodas. As you can see there are dozens and dozens of them...vury parurty.

We took a walk around the temple grounds which is surrounded by these pagodas that stand about 6 foot tall to enshrine the ashes of the dead. Today lots of people placed flowers, lit candles and burned incense for their lost loved ones.

Also saw the lovely little abode my husband lived in for a year when he was a monk a few years back. Is it wrong to be so attracted to a monk??!! Gotta love a man with no eyebrows!

This one's for my bro, felt him near today

5 commentaramas:

TracyMcGal said...

What do they do with the flowers and offerings? Do the monks take them? Also, do you have to be Budist to visit a temple? Is it kind of like church? We have a very small Thai population here. I think Memphis is building a temple now. Even at the Thai restaurants we have not been able to meet a Thai. Crazy.


Mel said...

The flowers are left at the Buddha statue's putting something on the alter. All the food is taken back home after the monks have been served. You don't have to be Buddhist to visit a temple:-) Just remember to keep your head lower than the monks' head if you meet any! Kind of crouch down a bit because they're short!

I'm sure if you meet any Thais and tell them you are adopting a Thai child they would be very friendly.

Carol said...

Fascinating post Mel

C x

TracyMcGal said...

OK, I was pretty sure that I had mispelled Buddhist but got distracted and didn't go back and spell check. :) Thanks for letting me peek into your world.

Mel said...

They do this ceremony every year...can't believe how fast it came around again!