Monday, 29 October 2007

Hot Spring, Temples and Crazy Fish

Wow oh wow wow.... I am a big ball of oozy jello floppin all over the ville. We've just come back from the hot springs (that are only 8 km from my house.. and I am one relaxed fly girl.

It was a hive of activity at the hot pool today (and didn't the presence of 2 big whities and a little squealing one just liven up the party!). The water that streams up from under a behemoth mountain flows into the main pool for swimming, but they also have this little fluoro green mossy pool with crystal clean scorcharama water where locals boil eggs for sale! Spot the monkey, he's kinda blending in....there are literally thousands of monkeys in the forest surrounding the hot springs...beware monkey haters cos they get a bit feisty!

Visited the oldest temple in my province today that has been standing for a few hundred years...which makes it older than my home country!! It has a lot of Buddha statues and relics and a beautiful river flowing next to the temple. You can buy fish food for the .... er, fish. They are carazy! There's just millions of em! Mr 3 had all the monks going gaga and waving at him! I've never seen such a display of affection and amusement from so many monks before!

5 commentaramas:

Anonymous said...

Here we just have humungous storms that create havoc and destroy houses. I guess one good thing is that no-one has been seriously injured over the past couple of weeks with the storms. Lots of rain which is good for my garden. Thank Al for her emails. Keep up the good work with the site.
Love you lots and miss you heaps.
(Josh and Scott fly out on Saturday for the USA and Japan).

Love you.

Carol said...

That's it Mel - Chris and I are definately going to come and visit your neck of the woods at some point!!

It looks gorgeous!!

C x

Jenny Beattie said...

Oooh, I could do those hot springs right now. The look gorgeous.

Mel said...

Hi AJ -always good to hear your news!
(you know you can facebook me personal info messages - get onto it!!!)

C - Get your butts down here! Although you'll have to hotel it cos I can't have you being responsible for killing my MIL after spending an hour with her!!

JJ - when these hot springs are cleaned (only every few months unfortunately) they are divinity in every massage can compare to the relaxation and good sleep you have after!

Anonymous said...

Your home country is only a few hundred years old???I'm pretty sure it might be a little older than that, even if the whities have only been here for 5 minutes. This political message has been sponsored by....;-P