I saw the sun today! That was pretty exciting...oh, and glory days, I have friends! Spent a couple of hours in hideousville Hat Yai for a feed and shopping, then hightailed back to the village to wow everyone with an overload of whiteness (exacerbated by Mr 3's ritual nudey run after his shower - a blinding white streak down the side of the house!). I'm going to have to keep an eye out for signs of egomania due to his instant movie star status. Just standing still at the airport for 5 minutes led at least 20 people to stroke or pinch his cheeks then on the walk out the exit doors into the throng of people in the taxi queue induced about a hundred people to wave and shout hello and squeal in delight by his smile and nonchalant bye byes. Our arrival in the village was initially low key but within half an hour he had a permanent audience of about 50 people all afternoon marveling at his intellect as he dazzled them by counting to 10 in Thai (a bazillion times! - some 5 year old Thai kids can't even do this...sad but true). Truly you don't need to wonder why Thailand is named the Land of Smiles..I swear people must have had cramps in their cheeks today with all the beamers brightening our afternoon!

Anyhoo, this is some mammoth Jack Fruit on display in Tesco...about the size of Mr 3's head in 3 weeks ;-D
Celebrating our first meal in
Just so he could out compete my 5 year old motorbike riding neighbour, Mr 3 got on his bike within 2 minutes of laying eyes on it! After a few lessons I'm sure he'll be off on his own by the end of the week!!

7 commentaramas:
OMG how much fun is that little guy going to have. And talk about centre of attention, trust me, he is going to be so full of it by the time he goes home. His poor mum.
Have fun with girlie chats.
I'm so glad they made it there in one piece, horay.
Daily blogs Mel don't forget!!!
He's going to be spoiled rotten!!
Enjoy :-)
C x
Make sure you keep your eyes on Josh at all times he is sooooo gorgeous. I am sooooo jealous of you girls. HAve a drink to me and of course I'll do the same for you. Big storm just out the window getting closer. Hope there is no hail. Alstonville Show on today and over the weekend - no noise so far but there will be crackers tonight!!! Love you lots.
Yeah!! You are all going to have so much fun! Very jealous. Go photo nuts girls!! I want to see them all!
Bec - We are having THE BEST time! What a laugh...poor J though running around after him (he loves every minute of it, but I'm exhausted looking at him!)
T - maybe not daily, but will try to. We're wishing you were here too so much!!
C - Oh yes, and enjoying every millisecond of it!
AJ - I just read your email! and you call me nasty, with your language woman(I relayed the message to Al!)!!! LYL and then some :-)
Dan - I am taking ridiculous amounts of photos..how's the one with the foot on the head..that was SOOO funny!
Aren't you afraid anymore of young kids riding motorcylces? ;-p
Beware you're on your way to be Thai :))
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