Thursday, 20 September 2007

Need your home renovated?

because I'm hiring out my mother-in-law...This is her latest foray into home renovation. She didn't want to pay $30 to pay a professional to tile the floor....a structure that lasts 40 or more years. She didn't want to spend 800 baht to actually look like a normal floor. Her solution? Hmm, I think I'll do it myself, even though I've never done tiling before, it can't be too difficult, right? Even my father-in-law who is usually the most easy going person in the world, refused to help her! He was laughing and calling her the special maintenance crew. She literally did it on her own, including concreting! I'm not sure how much you can make out in these pics but there's one tile that 's a good cm higher then the rest, the border tiles are all different colours cos she was using whatever small tiles we had lying around the house (no tile cutter!) and it kind of goes in a wave...that's not lens distortion you're looking at!

She's a freak, that's all there is to it..

Let me know if your house needs doing!

4 commentaramas:

Carol said...

Ha ha ha ha....erm....sorry....but it is funny!! (thank god my mother-in-law is in Scotland - I lover her dearly but I've never forgiven her for painting a beautiful wooden chest the most vile green I've ever seen) think she's recovered from the AFMI??

C x

Bec said...

i think yours might be related somehow to mine. We came back this year to a kitchen that had been extended & instead of buying the nice matching tiles we paid to have laid a couple of years ago she just used random ones she had lying around. She also build us a bedroom & instead of plasterboarding & then skimming the walls used cardboard!!!! Amazing thailand my arse. More like nutty old thai ladies R US

thailandchani said...

Oh, gee! I've done that very job with much the same results. LOL Now, I call someone.



Mel said...

Yeah, that case of AFMI was a one off fluke, never to be repeated!

I swear she's getting kookier by the's really getting quite extreme!

Chani, at least you learned from your previous efforts...there's no learning curve for my MIL!!