Tuesday 4 September 2007

Cruisin' the hood.....

A look at what's around my village...all within 2 km radius of our house. We try to get out most days on the motorbike to see what's going down in the village and it seems that it's rice planting time with every man, woman (no child thank goodness) and dog slogging away in the fields. Well the dogs were just supervising, but it is damn hot out there so who can blame them...

This is the slightly flooded quarry where all the foundation dirt for new houses comes from ..nice mountain view too! (click for larger image)

New rice coming up..
My village namesake..Sugar Palms
Thai electricity...
Ploughing the fields...
Entrance to our local temple...
Freshly ploughed rice fields...
Thai style house....

4 commentaramas:

Carol said...

Your village looks absolutely stunning - I can completely understand why you chose to live there. Living in Bangkok I do miss seeing green!!

A fellow Tory Amos fan - I adore her music!! Cornflake girl is still one of my all time favourite songs!!

C x

Ps. Still not been brave enough to try Durian....this has actually more to do with the fact that since I said I would I've not seen anyone selling it and husband has said I am not allowed to try till he is there as he wants to see the look on my face!! (Supportive eh!!)

Mel said...

I fully agree with your husband's sentiment...it's no fun at all if you do it alone! Just make sure he has the camera ready!

I would go insane living in Bangkok! Any more than 4 days there and I'm ready to kill anyone who looks at me funny!! Really not a city girl!

I'm so excited YouTube's back! Go Tori!

Amy T said...

Hi Mel!
That's my best friend's name. Got your blog link from Carol and Chris...

I read a little of your blog only to find out you're married to your Thai man. Mark me down as another white woman married to a Thai man. We are so few and far between. I met Golf when I was living (and teaching English - I read your post about hating it!) in Bangkok. Been back here in the US for two years now with our son.

Nice to meet ya!

Mel said...

Woohoo! Nice to know there's another one out there! Your son is so gorgeous..a little clone of his dad hey! Ohh there's so many questions I could ask about you moving back to the US..I'll read your blog a bit more though before I go there! So nice to "meet" you too!