Tuesday, 11 September 2007

My mother-in-law is freakin' me out...

I am living in the Twilight Zone I'm telling you....my mother-in-law gave me a brand spanking new gold ring today, for no apparent reason....do do do do, do do do do...and it's kinda freakn me out man! She even offered me the last piece of chicken from the curry tonight....offered, as in voluntarily spoke to me in a pleasant manner to give me something, offered...it's all getting a bit much really.

Perhaps she's aware of some phase of the moon moving into its equinoctial zenith that's just right for making grandchildren or something like that, that I'm not aware of, but she is being N.I.C.E
(neither imprudent or crazy eccentric) This is unprecedented behaviour that is throwing me off balance and causing much consternation..where's the stability of my evil Mother-In-Law damn it?

6 commentaramas:

Amy T said...

Before I even got to the second paragraph I was thinking "She wants grandchildren!"

Carol said...

LOL - Maybe she's still got some of that AFMI (Adrenaline Fuelled Motherly Instincts)coursing through her veins!!

C x

Anonymous said...

Maybe she feels close to you since she saved you from the spicy attack. ;-p

But the hypothesis of grandchildren could be the good one...

Jenny Beattie said...

Mother in laws! Huh.

Mel said...

Amy, you so obviously have a Thai MIL! My FIL is very vocal about the grandkiddies (or lack there of) but J's mum is a bit more smooth (can't say subtle though!). At least you've already provided the offspring!

C - something funky (funky weird not funky cool) is definitely coursing through her!

TC- she's just too tricky to figure out! I'm staying well clear of her until I feel safe again!!

Brunty said...

Hey Mel. Be careful. A Thai women giving up food is just unheard of.

Good luck with the baby making :) ha ha.