Tuesday, 18 September 2007

I'm a tick tick tickin...

Oh dear...my rapid approach to 30 is nearly upon me and something terrifying is happening..no it's not crow's feet, grey hair, saggy bits or loss of vision (the latter is a direct result of internet addiction NOT aging...I'll have you know) it's the fact that my body has become a bomb....a ticking, pulsating, whacking me in the face, feeling like puking when I see a baby kind of bomb. The biological clock, what a strange phenomenon huh? Lucky it's only when a baby is within a few feet of me, it fades according to distance...it's just that when they get near me I feel all cutesy wootsie and I wanna pinch their lil fat cheeks and snuggle wuggle....um, hmm...you can see the situation is becoming dire..

Tell me this baby isn't just a bit cute! She is the culprit making me go all googly woogly

10 commentaramas:

Bec said...

go for it, you could end up with one like this http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?autocom=gallery&req=user&user=1041&op=view_album&album=742

ha ha. tick tock :)

Jenny Beattie said...

Uuuhhhh Ooooohhhhhh.


Mel said...

Bec - I only got home made pasta on that link! Do I click something else?

JJ - ahmmmm, I knooooww!!

Bec said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bec said...


try that, not very good at this 'puter stuff!!!

Carol said...

Ooohhhh you definately shouldn't go anywhere near Pakkred babies home then (I spent the morning there today) - I think you would have liked Japanese Punk!!

C x

Mel said...

Bec - no luck with that one either, said can't find site..perhaps it's password protected or something?

C - I can't believe your timing about writing baby stuff, thank goodness you didn't have more baby photos on there!

I didn't know you could delete your own comments from someone's blog!!

Bec said...

ah well, dunno whats the point of photo hosting sites if you can't post the link!!!! have a look at my photo albulm in the gallery on thavisa & then you'll see my angel baby. Think I might upload some pics on my blog too

Mel said...

B - you are pure evil showing me that gallery in my current state! The gorgeousity is too much..the smile, the sunnies! Thanks for sharing and making me even more gaga then I thought possible!!

Are you friends with Sek Losso??

Bec said...

ha ha ha, i know he is mine but he really is the most gorgeous in the world. Sek Loso?? no thats hubby, in his former life he was a lead guitarist for 18 years & still writes & arranges music for his friends.