Wednesday 29 August 2007

This Ain't Just a Hunk of Wood...

This is my new pet project...."My Beautiful Piece of Wood", highly original, I know. I found it a couple of days ago at the creek where we go swimming and brought it back home on the back of our motorbike! I've started sanding it down by hand to reveal its inner gorgiousity. It's got all these squiggly lines engraved all over it... perhaps some hidden message from the universe? Either that or some bugs or something. Not exactly sure what it's purpose in my life is going to be, I just had to have it...don't be too jealous though, it's just a piece of wood, really...

(one day will get a decent camera - until then run with your imagination on how gorgeous this is in real life)

2 commentaramas:

WordItUp said...

I bring home wood, too. I live near a river and bring home drift wood. Sometimes I transform it into something. Sometimes a piece is so beautiful I hang it on the wall just as it is. Egads, I can't believe I do that. But I just love some wood. Most of it I pile in the corner and it looks like a mess.

I stumble across wood and I stumbled across your blog. I like it.

Mel said...

I only just read your comment (sorry!). I love it when I stumble across stuff like this wood. I love having nature inside! Thanks for your comment :-)