Saturday, 25 August 2007

Eat til you die...

I might rename my blog "Every night's a party"....yet another party last night. Wedding again...I have no idea who these people are! J's parents went to 2 parties in the day time yesterday and were too tired to go to this one, so we went in their place. I was more than happy to go to this one as it was a "Chinese" style dinner - that is, a seven course meal! I love these parties! We get to go to one of these about once every 4 months or so..most parties are just one or two courses (curry and fruit for dessert). Please excuse the quality of the photos, my camera's clapped out and very temperamental. So, first course was nibblies..cashew nuts, fried tofu, fried fish bites,fermented egg with ginger and bacon bits in the middle. Second course was a yummalicious seafood mix with prawns, crispy fried fish, calamari, crab, and tastes sweet, sour and salty all at the same time. I love this dish. Third course was a huge fish with sweet and sour chilli sauce. Fourth course braised duck and vegies (yum!!). Fifth course Pork of some description, sixth course fried rice and seventh course watermelon (usually it's a fruit platter but can't complain really).

How much for all this...a mere donation of 100 baht for the two of us..that's $3.80 ($1.90 each...for 7 courses!). Love this glorious country!

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