Thursday 30 August 2007

Globules of lard....

As I was eating dinner tonight, which consisted of 2 coconut based, spicy curries, a shrimp curry, some vege and fried crispy fish, a weight loss ad came on...very opportune timing just a coincidence I'm sure...this poor "overweight" Thai woman had ballooned up to 55 kg (great inhalation at the horror of it all) and her shame displayed in HUGE, red writing across the screen. She paid this company the large wad of cash and low and behold, she's been transformed into a 49 kg beauty! I laugh, ha ha...if that ad was played in Australia or the US (or pick your other bread munching, pizza loving country) there would be much throwing of food at television, much gnashing of teeth and much chagrin going down. Most of us haven't been 49kg since birth...well, school years anyway....or perhaps I'm just living in my own chubby little bubble of self denial...

3 commentaramas:

Carol said...

Ah the joys of living in Thailand. I got up this morning and Moon took one look at me and said 'Oh Madame you big big big today'. What a lovely way to start the day!!

C x

Mel said...

Ha! You have to laugh really don't you! I had to get over being called fat pretty quickly living here... they're very up front about telling you! Now, 3 years later, they say I'm not fat, I just have a large body!! (mai oowan, tua yai)

Anonymous said...

Helpful blog, bookmarked the website with hopes to read more!