Tuesday, 22 January 2008

The Power of Freedom could light up New York....

Is there a song called "Last Train to Freedom"...it's ringing a bell with me somehow..I've got the lyrics going round my head -
"an' I saw her go,
go on that tray-e-ain,
out my life now,
for just five day-e-ays.."
Perhaps it's just because this sacred blue and white vessel just took away the bane of my existence and brought me a whole lota overjoyed rapture to boot. The folks in law have gone to Bangkok for 5 whole days! It is the first time in almost 3 years they have ever gone anywhere overnight! Oh, I get quivers just thinking about how long they're gone for! You couldn't keep the mile wide grin off my face in the car on the way to the station. They weren't looking too impressed at my very apparent joy, that's for sure! We can stay up late, sleep in late, take the car for joy rides, go riding the motorbike at night...all of which we did today with not one comment about how reckless and irresponsible we are. Oh yes, I am feeling the rebellion surging through my veins. Somehow with their departure I feel more like a naughty teenager left home alone then when they actually reside here. Oh lord, I need. to get. a life.

8 commentaramas:

lotsmore said...

Fac, wicked that's great!
lap it up sister.

Anonymous said...

We hiked all 1,200 steps up "Kao Ok Taluk"....you should try it.

Bec said...

hope it's been lots of fun & good luck with the great escape plans :)

Mel said...

oh lord, they get back tomorrow, that went so fast!

We have done the walk up Ok Thalu! My legs were very wobbly. Great for a good view and a workout!

Anonymous said...

LOVE! - You crack me up!

Carol said...

Hope you had a fantastic time without the MIL!!


Carol said...

Hope you had a fantastic time without the MIL!!


Mel said...

We did, it was fabulous but oh too short!