Went to another rellie bash last night. As in our uncle's annual staff New Years party to give all his waitresses and cooks at his restaurant their Christmas bonuses... well, New Year bonus. Was a thrill a minute. The food was delish though... couple of whole fish steamed and fried salty fish; som tum; fried rice; nibblies with chilli sauce; some sort

of soupy stuff; larb moo; soft drinks and beer...all free which equates to fantabulous! Loads of kids running rampant dosed up on cherry coke and draped in tinsel was mildly entertaining compared to the hideously loud karaoke blaring from 6 one metre high speakers a couple of metres away from the vibrating tables. The best part of the evening had to be when they called me up to the stage to make a speech. Feel the sarcasm dripping off that last comment pleeze... I'm not a big talker so kept it short and sweet and got a ripping round of applause for my prowess in Thai language... I pretty much just said Happy New Year in Thai...takes a lot of skill I tell you!

Something I find astounding at all the parties I attend is that there is always a commentator. Be it a wedding, funeral, monk or other there is always someone holding the mike in between bouts of karaoke and speeches. Most of the time our friendly postman doubles as party compare and often misses work or goes in late because he's so in demand. The thing that leaves me in awe is how these people can TALK. I mean they hardly pause for breath. They just talk and talk and talk and talk. As the never ending speeches are so monotone I can't keep up with the gist and every 5 minutes or so I asked J what the hell he can talk so much about. It's always the same answer - "Anything and everything". Topics last night ranged from right behaviour for the new year , how good the workers are at the restaurant, the entire history of the restaurant and it's well respected owner, the fact that it's ok this year to wear black for new year because the King's sister just died...I could honestly write a book as it went on forever. At one stage the karaoke machine broke down - major disaster - and up went the compare dude to fill in the silence with another monologue for 20 minutes without pause. I respect that homey. If I am made to speak spontaneously I'm lucky if I can make 2 minutes off the top of my head, so kudos to you homeboy for bringin' it home.
2 commentaramas:
I remember this - when I was a teacher, they'd have morning annnouncements after the flag ceremony and prayer. Oh my god, could they talk and talk! SOOOO many Thai people have this uncanny ability to get behind a microphone and talk non-stop. They can make up speeches about anything and do very well, apparantly! And here I am in a club that focuses on improving public speaking skills... wish I had the Thai's inate ability to talk with ease behind a microphone. :)
It's so bizarre isn't it. Just like how every single Thai will unashamedly get up and sing karaoke no matter how horrible it sounds! I definitely don't have the public speaking gene, so good on you for getting out there!
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