Friday, 4 January 2008

The King's Sister Dies...

The King's beloved sister Princess Galyani Vadhana (or สมเด็จพระเจ้าพี่นางเธอ เจ้าฟ้ากัลยาณิวัฒนา กรมหลวงนราธิวาสราชนครินทร์ in Thai) passed away on Wednesday morning at the age of 84. I wasn't going to write about it but I have to say it's pretty amazing to see the country's reaction. Every news presenter throughout the day on every channel on tv are wearing black clothes...for 3 days now, in remembrance of her. The official mourning period announced by the government is 15 days for state workers and 100 days for royal officials with everyone expected to wear black for the duration. So I guess black is the new 'in' and yellow is now 'out' for the next 3 months.

Every news bulletin shows mourners on the streets dressed in black and weeping for the lost princess. She was renowned for her charity work and taught French at several Thai universities. Here she is with the King.

Even Thai politics has gone on the back burner for the initial mourning period with the government temporarily postponing activities.

4 commentaramas:

Jenny Beattie said...

Oooh, I didn't notice any black in Bangkok! I was only sitting in Starbucks on my laptop though. I must open my eyes tomorrow.

Mel said...

That's quite surprising actually. I thought there would be heaps of people decked out in black. It's nice to see you back ;-D x

Carol said...

There were a few but not as many as I had thought there would be. Although two kids parties that we were planning have had to be postponed till after the mourning period (Seems a shame that the kids miss out but hey....)

C x

Mel said...

It's funny that lots of things have been postponed til after the mourning period. We had to do some official stuff in town yesterday and visited 4 government offices and everyone in every office was wearing black. All the schools in town had black material draped along their fences too. Pretty amazing.