Monday 24 December 2007

It's all just a little too much...

Oh give me strength... Pig Man (aka Samak), the new 72 year old supposed Prime Minister has vowed to grant Taksin amnesty and to return the ousted PM to Thailand. This means that he will not be held accountable for the thousands of killings that he approved of for the 'war against drugs' and the 73 billion baht (2 billion dollars) tax free deal for the sale of his telecommunications business that he secured as the Prime Minister of Thailand. Surely the people can't be so blind?

See MCOT news for more on this.

3 commentaramas:

Amy T said...

Isn't it frustrating... I don't understand it either. Thai people want change but they keep going back to the same old cronies? Their political process reeks of corruption. My husband never voted in elections because he has seen this same situation happen again and again. He is unsurprised again and disgusted AGAIN.

Amy T said...

PS: Merry Christmas!

Mel said...

I just can't understand it, it's so painful to watch and not be able to do anything. I just think how can they be so blind? Samak is more corrupt then even Taksin but doesn't have the brains to cover it up so hopefully they'll bust his butt soon!

Hope you had a great Chrissy!