Monday 3 December 2007

Ghost Cat ponderings...

Strange happenings afoot in the ville this morning. Motorbiking through the many acres of rice fields and rubber tree plantations this morning, we turned a corner and had to brake suddenly for a ginger tom cat standing on the path. The natural instinct would be to scamper away, scared of being hit or caught, but this lil fellow just stood there calm as could be, mewing and looking us in the face. We actually had to maneuver the bike around the puss to get on our way cos he sure wasn't going to move! Thinking briefly how odd this was, I soon forgot about it while we cut the rubber trees. 3 hours later when we returned to the garden for rubber collection (about a km and several fields away from the original sighting), I was in the second row of our trees when the same cat comes up behind me meowing throatily!! Freaky no? It then flopped itself down on the ground and just looked at me. It sat in the same position until we left the garden!

Now, I am known to harbour airy fairy thoughts about how the universe works and am quite open to suggestion but I just don't know about this cat.... it's just too odd to not mean anything, surely. Was someone trying to celestial message me? Was it a passed on relly trying to say hello? Was it just a friendly kitty kat out for an early morning stroll in the middle of nowhere following my scent for several kilometres coming to rest in the middle of a thousand trees under the exact same tree I was at just because that looked like a comfortable place to rest after a long walk? Who am I to question the motives of a potentially transcendental being, hmm?

**UPDATE** - ok, it's 10:30pm and I obviously have blogger addiction issues but this is just too much. I was out the back cleaning my teeth (as I do) and caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. What the hay? Who the devin? It's the lovely (if slightly supernatural) tabby.. I crap you not, here he is hiding under my sarong and getting a feed (suckers!). That means he walked from our rubber tree plantation a couple of ks away in the middle of nowhere back to our house!

It has occurred to us that a couple of years ago we had adopted a mama cat who had 3 litters over time and all her bubbas died (nasty tom cats) bar one from 2 different litters. J's parents aren't animal fans (doesn't surprise you does it?) and his dad kidnapped them (many months apart) and dumped them in the forest somewhere. Nothing we could do obviously as mission accomplished on their behalf. Funnily enough the mama meow made it back to us within a week (convincing the folks she was quite the special one). Didn't last though cos they got nabbed again about 7 months ago and we haven't seen either of them again. We are thinking that this lil fella is our baby from the first litter that got kidnapped and has come back to us!! It's a else can we explain such a friendly puska when Thai tom cats are notoriously quite nasty unless reared from tiny kittenhood. It's love! I'll be living in fear now that he'll get kidnapped again (you see the evil I have to live with?)

3 commentaramas:

Carol said...

Hmmm.....I reckon it wanted you to take it home with you!! In saying that - when our cats flop down it's usually cause they either want some attention or they want some food (In fat Gai's case it's usually food!!)


Anonymous said...

ha ha - I know cats fall into the realm of sentient beings - but I no likey them !! High Fives' to your MIL on this one baby :-)

on another note... definately means something - the whole cat stalking you all that way thing is too trippy for it not to...

hopefully it will all be revealed to you soon :-)

Mel said...

aww we haven't see the puddy since then...I was hoping he'd stick around.