Thursday 22 November 2007

Self realisation...

I realised over dinner tonight that I haven't spoken to my mother-in-law for 2 whole days! Not a word has passed between us. This strikes me as odd...the fact that it took me that long to actually realise it! And I think the only reason I did realise it was because she was pointing at stuff (the rice container, the water jug) instead of verbally asking for it over dinner. Another thing that came to my attention is that I haven't seen her smile for 5 days....doing some quick mental arithmetic, that would be the day our visitors left and Mr 3 stepped out of her life! It's a sad state of affairs in the vill.

Since coming back from the tropical gorgeousity of Lipe Island, I have had some nasty ants in my pants. I have felt the taste of freedom and realised that I MUST GET OOOUUT (of this house)! Seriously people, adults should not live with parents... I'm sure that's a universal truth hidden in the bible code dead sea scrolls. Since turning 30 (and actually admitting that I am indeed an adult) it's all I can think about. House plans, garden plans, decorating plans...I could varnish this, I could frame that, I could make some of those, I could hang that over the's never ending.

Why oh why are we still living with the folks after more than 2 and a half years? Numero Uno: Lack
of funds. Deuce: No mula. Thrice: the block of land that we were promised as a wedding present has STILL not been signed over to J's name (uh, just celebrated our 2nd year wedding anniversary last week, thanx very much!). This is a fine example of "Thai Time". Everything will happen when it happens and not before...don't rush things, you know.... Firetrucks steamrolling off man!

On the island a brilliant idea manifested and left me feeling quite ridiculous for not thinking of it say, 2 years ago!! We are going to build a bungalow type thang on the property! It's pure genius. We have the funds now to accomplish this and it 'forces' J's folks to hand the land over NOW (cos I won't build without it being in our name). So, we had a chatskies with papa bear today about our idea and boyo chackeedos if that didn't cause some friction! What is the big deal we are left wondering....a lightning rod hit me in the face and I got all these flashbacks of previous conversations over the last couple of years and it all added up to --- they want us to live with them FOR.EV.AAAA. It's true, I clearly remember MIL saying to me many moons ago when I was discussing building a building for our net bizo at the other property, she said oh so innocently "but you can have the business here and the house is big enough for all of us"!!!! Argghhh. I'm so stoopid.

So, after listening to the same excuses I've heard for 2+ years as to why the paperwork can't get signed over just yet, we came to an agreement. Tomorrow we (as in J and I) shall venture into town to suss out how much it costs to sign over and get the paperwork! Joy oh rapture oh bless the sweet lord buddha. I'm kinda thrilled. I'm gonna be out by Christmas! Ok, well, maybe New Year! They build fast here damn it!

Oh, and the other fab thing about building a wee willy house/bungalow is that we'll have somewhere delux for visitors to stay and perhaps run tours from here one day (just for the natural day spas and whathaveyou!).

5 commentaramas:

Carol said...

But your MIL sounds so delightful!! I really can't understand why you wouldn't want to spend the rest of your lives living with her (;-))

C x

Bec said...

I have to agree with carol & chris here, you sound like your being very unreasonable & selfish. No Angel for you now ha ha ha. Only joking. P is on a mission to copy the dvd's tomorrow ;)

Good on ya girl (and J) get that bungalow built asap & get some of your sanity back. You have managed 2 & 1/2 years longer than the 5 days I managed to live with my mil!

Anonymous said...

phuq me. You are much more patient than I... in-laws...arghghghgh

Jenny Beattie said...

Oh.My.God. Get.Outta.there.quick.

Mel said...

thank you thank you! Someone heherm thinks I'm being unreasonable for wanting to hurry things along (after nearly 3 years!) Such a peace maker he is!! I'm so excited, it's gonna be this year I can FEEL it!!