Tuesday, 27 November 2007

The Kindness of Strangers

The world can let you down sometimes...and then a little angel will visit you and show you something beautiful. Not that the world is letting me down at the mo, on the contrary I'm rejoicing that I'm gonna be out of the hell pit MILs clutches THIS YEAR!! Anyhoo, back to my angel....

This celestial being came to me via the chariot of Thai postage and my beloved internet connection! I got an email last week from a fellow compatriot living in-country who had obviously felt my heart yearning for printed matter across the lands and offered to cure me of my woes by sending me 7 kilograms of books!! Yes, that's 7 kg of English readability. That's innumerable weeks of planting my face in a book rather than gluing my eyes to the computer screen giving myself cancer from radiation poisoning. Aand this luscious readability is even more delectable because it contains trashy gossip magazines (which I secretly adore whilst hating every fibre of my being when reading that Tom Cruise has imprisoned Katie and is planning on exorcising the demon of Posh Spice!). Not to mention there was also a packet of chocaroonies in there (opened in a hormonal frenzy before the box was even completely open). I'm so transparent that people know that books and chocolate make my life complete (perhaps with a morning coffee thrown in!).

Thank you again for your incredible kindness and generous spirit, my appreciation is deeper than the Gulf!

5 commentaramas:

Anonymous said...

Awww... Thats so sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh and it's me Tracexxx

Mel said...

Yah, I'm a lucky gerl (said with bad German accent for no apparent reason ;-)

Unknown said...

wow, that is VERY nice, i can imagine how you felt when you recieved that, although i live in BKK and it's easy to get those things (rather expensive though) here. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

awwww lucky youse!!

I see they sent you Lovely Bones - is a great book - enjoy reading English :-)