Sunday 18 November 2007

Has it been a million years?

Well...I'm back in the land of window shaking karaoke, torrential rain and mouldy clothes! The dude across the street is getting married tomorrow and dozens of one metre speakers have just been set up 5 metres from our front door! That pole is our veranda then the road then the zillion speakers and stage. I'm gonna have a great sleep tonight!! Oh the joy of being back in the village!
The island was! How it can be so sunny and gorgeous 200 kilometres away from the rainy village is just phenomenal. It was like our little island was in a vortex of sunshine cos all around us the horizon was black and stormy looking...anyhoo, more on that next post with photos. Must re-addict myself to the internet world first!!

4 commentaramas:

Jenny Beattie said...

Oooh, hello, nice to see you back.


Anonymous said...

So glad to see you back on line lovely. Had a chat with Vikki the other night and your grandmother came down during the week so its been a family time. Love you lots.
Will takl to Al during the week.


Mel said...

Hi jj! Very nice to be back (except the karaoke!)Was damn hard leaving the paradise island much sun, so much freedom..sigh!!

AJ - spoke to Vik just before, she's still celebrating birthday week! Also my anniversary week! 2 years on the 14th! Al's got lots of photos on disc if you catch up with her. LYL xxx

Carol said...

Yay - good to have you back!!

C x