Thursday 17 April 2008

I'm buying a convertible porsche...

It's official... I am in the middle of a quarter life crisis (yes, I'm going to live to 120, that's a certainty). Life is quite the roller coaster.

Who would've thought I'd fall in love on my short holiday to Thailand...
Who would've thought I'd end up living in a rice paddy village for 3 years...
Who would've thought I'd have homicidal thoughts about my husband's closest relative...
Who would've thought that I, who hate big cities, have ended up living in and loving Bangkok...
Who would've thought the rental prices in Australia could have doubled in 3 years!!! Literally. Doubled.

Much banging of head against brick wall going on. Many "what ifs", "buts" and "surelys" going on. Oh what a tangled web...This is what happens when you leave it to fate. Valuable lesson in that for all of us now, isn't there? Pros and Cons list of staying in Bangkok or moving back to Australia, here I come....

7 commentaramas:

Anonymous said...

hello my dear friend.had a brief opportunity to read your blog.hope you are having a great day. love you, talk to you soon.
love al

Amy T said...

I wonder if the housing crisis that has hit the US so hard has trickled over to Australia, causing more renters due to being forced out of their homes. That certainly raises rents and it did happen to a small degree in the UK. How about job salaries? Have they doubled since you've been gone? (wouldn't that be nice). Start writing your list, girlfriend. I do understand why you love Bangkok, too. :)

Anonymous said...

I think you're a terrific writer - very witty and fun. Have you looked into writing as a career? There are lots of English publications in Thailand seeking good writers - browse the magazine section at Asia Books to get a better idea of the range of titles.

Good luck with your big decision!


Anonymous said...

I'll second that, you really do have a talent.

Carol said...

Hey Sweetie

Not an easy decision ahead of you but I'm sure you will end up making the right one (whatever that may be!!).

You know I'm always here when you need someone to go 'aaarrrggg' at :-)

C x

Jenny Beattie said...

Oh honey. Can't life be a bugger? I'm here too, though for cake and not KFC!

Mel said...

Amy - housing is just ridiculous in Oz now, to buy and to rent, inflation, yadda yadda. Salaries seem to have increased but only by the smallest fraction!

Thanks Vee and Trace, appreciate your vote of confidence. I actually have looked into writing work and there is beyond fierce competition out there! Seems to be the best work from home/anywhere in the world jobs going.

C & jj - there will probably be lots of arging over coffee and cake in the coming weeks, so prepare thyselves ;-p