Friday, 11 April 2008

Bangkok Apartment...village gal turning city chick..

Tadaaa! I have resurfaced! First things first... I didn't get the job...sob sob....over it!! Was apparently a close call between me and the other dude but O.D. had the whole IT life experience thang and trumpsed me in the end. Sun is still shining, world still spinning, still have all my limbs.. surprisingly perhaps!! So, since we said if I didn't get the job, that was fate telling us to go back to Oz, I'm hearing it! Actually it's a really difficult decision and one that I'm still not 100% clear on but hub is super keen to go... I know it's because he's been living with his parents on his own for the last 2 weeks and now knows the hideousness of it without the wife buffer factor and needs to escape far far away. Haharrr. Reunition will occur in 4 days time so that's when we'll make our next life changing decisions.... to stay or not to stay, that is the question! (I hope we stay, hope we stay!!). Nail biting stuff I tell you!

I've been staying in Bangkok, firstly with the ever wonderful and can't praise highly enough Carol (& Chris!) from this blog, and then in my very own apartment! Yay for finally being on the FFPC at last (Free From Parents Committee, of course!). Has been pure bliss.. between the world crumbling down around me and house hunting in the hottest 3 days of the entire year in Thailand! All is working out as it is always prone to do.

So, here is my new, temporary pad complete with hot water (hallelujah!), sit down toilet (hoorah!), air-con and kitchen sink. Where would we be without the kitchen sink?! No cooking elements or gas but kitchen sink and fridge works for me. It's a small studio apartment on the 8th floor, very light and very breezy. I looked at over a dozen apartments which was actually quite disturbing seeing the grotto hells some people live in for the price, so this one is a complete gem... clean, light, no smells and has a wifi internet connection! All I need in life. Oh, and did I mention there's a gym and pool here too?! Costs 8000 baht per month and considering its proximity to everything, a great find. It's about a 10 minute walk to both the sky train and the underground and a huge gorgeous park just down the road. Not to mention the huge night market just up the road. Can't say much for the view but it is the city and I'd rather be looking at rice fields but times are a changin' and I'm free... FREEEEE... did I mention I'm free????!

Will have further updates of my adventures over the last few weeks in upcoming days...

4 commentaramas:

Amy T said...

This IS going to be exciting to see where your and Jay's lives will end up. Your studio is VERY cute and clean looking - I happen to love your view - it was the first thing I noticed.

Golf had inherited a condo just before we married and it was a studio apartment, if you want to call it that. It was a box, a very small box, with an attached bathroom, no hot water. No sink, no frige, no NOTHING. Just a box to stick your bed and TV in. Fortunately he sold it shortly after we got married.

Carol said...

Hey hon. I've already told you this but the people at that job didn't deserve you!! They messed you about soooo much I rekon they would have been hell to work for so your better off out of it!! I know you'll find something fab if you decide to stay here (which I hope you do!!).

Am loving the new looks fab!!

C x

Anonymous said...

Hey Mel,
Love the new apartment!! I just read out your description of it to B and showed him the photos. We just converted the price in Baht to AUD... For that price, I think I could convince him that we should move to Bangkok too!! ;~)

Mel said...

Amy - yay, so excited that Jay gets here tomorrow night! Big big decisions! Some of the apartments are ridiculously small here!

C - Thank you blossy ;-)Am overhauling my resume as we speak (to make it like J's ;-p!)

Dan - yep, it's about 70 bucks a week..I've been looking at Bris prices and it's soooooo expensive! Think we might just have to stay here :-D