Saturday, 21 June 2008

Things I Won't Miss About Thailand

  1. MIL – goes without saying really
  2. Living with the parents
  3. Being surrounded by so much PORK! (and living next door to pig killers!)
  4. Fish Gut Curry and Geng Som (spicy yellow fish curry, a staple at 90% of meals in southern Thailand)
  5. Going to funerals and monk parties almost fortnightly and made to eat Fish Gut Curry whilst watching everyone else devour 7 different types of pork dishes…literally, I am not exaggerating!
  6. Being stared at constantly
  7. Having no friends close by
  8. Cold showers in rainy season
  9. The dust and mould the pervades everything
  10. Being told that I’m slightly fat (although #10 on the above list kinda cancels this one out!)
  11. Rampant corruption both locally and nationally at every level
  12. The smell of wet rubber (think vomit mixed with baby poo…really!)
  13. Seeing so many little kids with black, rotten teeth
  14. Being woken up at 5.45am every morning by the obscenely loud radio news program over humungo speakers 10 metres from my window
  15. Being ‘asked’ to do English school camps that I can’t say no to because my husband’s family are all bloody school teachers! (this is my number one actually.. it even beats the MIL!)
  16. Gangs of howling dogs in the middle of the night
  17. KARAOKE! (no, I really won't miss it, not even a wee bit!!)

3 commentaramas:

Carol said...

Go on admit'll miss her a wee bit!!!

C x

Mel said...

Um, let me think about it a little bit...NOOOOOOOO. I really won't. :-D

Carol said...

Not even a teeny weeny wee bit....

C x